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Your Personal Memoirs, facilitated.
For some, the term "Ghost Writing" might conjure up ideas of deception whereby one person commissions a writer to write a speech or other literary work and claim the writing as their own. At LifeScribe, our Ghost Writing service is purely to help certain people to write their Memoirs because they are personally unable to do so, either due to health issues, time or a simple lack of skills.
It is effectively the same as the biographical service we provide with all our Tributes, just that we don't take the credit for the writing.

GHOST Writing
Our Ghost Writing is usually autobiographical by nature, written in the first person singular. If you have a Life Story that you wish to commit to paper (or digitally) but are inhibited, either by a lack of energy, confidence or ability, we will do what we can to help you record your Life Story in a way that is personal to you.
We recommend you allow extra time for us to patiently and pragmatically achieve this together. You should however be aware that the more time required might incur extra cost.

This OPTION would suit these OCCASIONS and these TRIBUTES
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