Offer the Gift of a Lifetime!
At LifeScribe, we believe in the art of giving.
Here are several ways in which you can use our services to please those dear to you.
Perhaps you have a friend or relative who has led an extraordinary life but who possibly needs a nudge to record their life in words? If so, you will appreciate the value of compiling their experiences for their benefit, as well as for the benefit of their loved ones and future descendants. LifeScribe offers you the possibility to purchase Gift Certificates of different increments or indeed the option of pledging to cover the full cost of their Life Story or Tribute. Should you wish to purchase a Gift Certificate, please get in touch.

Have you ever attended the celebration of someone's life, be it a senior milestone birthday or a Service of Thanksgiving and, upon departure, been given a souvenir copy of their memoir? No? Well, just imagine the impact and joy you could bring to members of the celebrated person's entourage by giving them such a special keepsake that provides them with memories or discoveries in which they can immerse themselves as they honour or grieve their special friend. Upon completion of the Life Story, we would be happy to provide you with a quote for the number of copies your require.

Trees are essential to our survival and it is important that our work creates more trees for oxygen generation and carbon capture than are used in the production of our books. That is why we have committed to supporting Word Forest, a UK based environment and education charity that plants trees in the UK but predominantly in Kenya, where they grow up to 10 times faster than anywhere else on the planet. They also foster education and have a comprehensive programme of women's empowerment initiatives. 2.5% of LifeScribe's annual net profit (ex. VAT) will be donated to Word Forest, as our charity of choice. As per their website, £25 covers the cost of clearing scrub, planting and nurturing 10 trees, each locking in 1/4 Tonne of Carbon Dioxide once mature. These are mostly fruit-bearing trees that help to feed and provide employment for the local community. By choosing LifeScribe, you are effectively helping to combat climate change and to gift improved wellbeing and opportunities to communities in need. Thank you!