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Life Stories and Tributes in Print and Digital
Our mission is to celebrate lives. While we can coordinate the celebratory events, be they MileStone Birthdays, Anniversaries, Funerals or Memorial Events, we also transcend the ephemeral by capturing the essence of the person's life story and creating keepsakes worth treasuring for generations to come.
We strive to make every keepsake a work of art - a celebration of life that inspires and appeals to the senses. These keepsakes, as described in more detail below, come in a choice of formats, from books and e-books to film, audio and displays. Not only can they serve as a family keepsake, but you might also consider gifting copies to your friends and entourage.
Commissioned Life Stories to treasure!
There's something quite special about a book, especially when it contains the life story of someone dear to you - the tangiblity, the texture and physically turning each page as you follow their story through the chapters of their life.
At LifeScribe, we take life stories to a whole new level! Beyond the traditional Memoir format, we like to add plenty of imagery and creativity to render each Life Story more visually appealing to all ages!

Digital Life Stories to download and connect.
Published as an E-Book, your Life Story can either be Standard (with static images and text) or Dynamic (with additional audio-visual effects and links).
E-Books are easy to update and to share with the celebrated person's entourage of family, friends and/or colleagues.
VISUAL Tributes
Immersive Life Stories to celebrate on screen.
A bespoke tribute set to film, usually enhanced with narration, music and personal accounts to captivate, charm and inspire audiences for every occasion, be it a milestone birthday, anniversary, awards ceremony, funeral, memorial event or personal legacy project.

Record your life's stories for posterity
A one-to-one interview, audio or video, in person or online, in which you recount your treasured life stories for safekeeping. The simplest form of legacy project where you share your thoughts and memories, accompanied and prompted by one of our team.
Narrated Life Stories to listen to at leisure.
A stand-alone audio production, narrated and perhaps enhanced with special sound effects, poetry, music or anecdotes from family and friends. This is perfect for long car journeys, quiet moments of contemplation or indeed for the visually impaired.

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