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Your Life Story will always be part of theirs.

What a Life you have lived! Your children or grandchildren are perhaps too young at the moment to fully appreciate all you have experienced, but one day they will be old enough and will wish they knew you better. However, by then it may be too late, or perhaps too difficult for you to remember all the details.

Your Life Story is a gift you can leave them. Call it your memoirs if you will, but LifeScribe will help you make them so much more!





There are numerous motivations for writing one's own Life Story.

  • Perhaps you are retired or approaching retirement and you'd like to record your memoirs for your own future personal reflection?

  • Or you wish to leave a copy of your Life Story for each or your offspring to share in turn with their offspring to help them better understand and appreciate their own personal heritage?

  • Alternatively, it could be that the motivation has actually been triggered by the younger generations of your family, keen to know you better?

  • Or perhaps, you are receiving end of life care and wish to leave with a flourish, by gifting copies of your Life Story to all those dear friends who have contributed to your life in some way, giving them some tangible memories and messages to hold onto?

These are just a few scenarios, but regardless of the reason, they all reach the same conclusion: Your Life Story needs to be written!

This OCCASION would suit these TRIBUTES and these OPTIONS

And that is where LifeScribe can help you.

We recommend you:

  • gather together the best quality images of your life.

  • scan them or ask a family member to help you. We too can assist with this.

  • contact us to explore the best solutions we offer.

  • hire our services to help transform your existing memoirs or to write and compile them for you into a wonderful work.

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